To the overview

The path to white teeth without compromise

In the world of modern teeth whitening, health and aesthetics are often at odds with each other. Traditional methods that use hydrogen peroxide or other harsh bleaching agents may produce quick results, but they can also irritate the gums and weaken the enamel. That's why ALPINE WHITE uses a chemical-free bleaching treatment that whitens teeth naturally without jeopardising dental health.

Andrea Seraina Author
Andrea Seraina
Dental Content Specialist
19.05.20246 min. reading time

The dangers of conventional bleaching methods

Many bleaching methods, especially those performed in the dental practice, use bleaching agents such as hydrogen peroxide, which is used together with UV light or heat to achieve rapid whitening. However, these methods can lead to hypersensitivity as they often attack the necks and insides of the teeth. In the long term, such aggressive treatments can lead to permanent damage such as tooth decay and tartar, as the enamel becomes porous and more susceptible to plaque and stubborn discolouration.

The ALPINE WHITE approach: Safe and effective

At ALPINE WHITE, we understand that the health of your teeth is our top priority. Our whitening gel is free from harsh chemicals and instead relies on natural ingredients that are gentle on the tooth surface and effectively whiten the natural tooth colour. This gentle process not only guarantees healthy teeth, but also helps to achieve the desired result without the side effects of traditional methods.

Advantages of chemical-free bleaching

  • Enamel protection: Our products do not attack the enamel, minimising the risk of tooth sensitivity and erosion.
  • No gum irritation: As our whitening gel contains no harsh chemicals, there is no risk of gum irritation, making it ideal for people with hypersensitive mouths.
  • Environmentally friendly: Chemical-free whitening is an environmentally friendly choice as no harmful substances are released into the sewage system.
bleaching, bleaching zurich, teeth whitening
CHF 345

Gently achieve whiter teeth with our pain-free in-office bleaching. Carried out by our specialised dental staff.

  • Naturally white teeth
  • Effective tooth whitening without peroxides
  • No change in the tooth structure
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How does chemical-free bleaching work?

Our teeth whitening combination package starts with a professional teeth cleaning to remove all plaque and superficial discolouration. The bleaching gel is then applied to the teeth, which contains natural ingredients that lighten the pigments without damaging the tooth surface. The result is a natural white that brightens your smile without the use of UV light or other synthetic agents. If you have fillings, bleaching is unfortunately not possible with us.

Professional bleaching vs. home bleaching

While at ALPINE WHITE you have the option of having your bleaching done in a professional environment in Switzerland, we also offer home bleaching products for dental care in various countries. These products are ideal for those who prefer to carry out the treatment at their own pace at home and ensure optimal dental care. The application is simple and safe, and you can expect amazing results in a short time without risking your dental health.

alpine white, dental hygiene, healthy teeth, professional teeth cleaning, alpine white studio, Zurich, Switzerland
Dental Hygiene
CHF 185

For a healthy mouth and beautiful teeth, regular professional teeth cleaning is essential. Our specialists detect early signs of caries and prevent them.

  • Personalised dental hygiene
  • Gum check & caries control
  • Painless cleaning with AIRFLOW
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Why a Hollywood white with ALPINE WHITE bleaching is different

The pursuit of a perfect Hollywood smile, as often portrayed in the media, can be tempting. Such extremely white teeth are often achieved through aggressive power bleaching methods that utilise strong chemicals to achieve intense whiteness in a short period of time. However, these methods are not without risks and can affect dental health in the long term. At ALPINE WHITE, we take a gentler approach to teeth whitening that preserves the natural structure and health of your teeth.

The natural process of whitening

Our whitening process is designed to whiten teeth gradually and safely. Rather than the radical results achieved by power whitening, ALPINE WHITE aims to emphasise the natural beauty of your teeth without making extreme changes that often appear unnatural and can damage the tooth surface. This approach is similar to the way hair needs to be cared for and re-coloured: Regular application and maintenance are essential to obtain and maintain the desired result.

Why regular use is important

Teeth bleaching at ALPINE WHITE is not a one-off event, but an ongoing process. Just as with hair care, where colour needs to be refreshed regularly to maintain its luminosity, teeth whitening also requires regular sessions to maintain the whiteness of the teeth. This is because everyday stimulants such as coffee, tea and red wine as well as natural ageing can lead to new tooth discolouration.

Oral hygiene and its role in the whitening process

Good oral hygiene is the basis for any successful bleaching. Regular brushing with a high-quality toothpaste, supplemented by the use of mouthwash, is essential to reduce plaque and keep teeth naturally lighter in colour. ALPINE WHITE recommends the use of specialised toothpastes designed to care for and protect bleached teeth to get the best results from your whitening. We have three different versions of our Whitening Toothpastes for this purpose.

Realistic expectations and satisfaction

It is important to have realistic expectations of the whitening result. A natural, healthy white that respects your individual tooth colour is the goal of ALPINE WHITE. This not only contributes to an aesthetically pleasing smile, but also a healthy one, without the risks and side effects associated with extreme bleaching methods.

By understanding these aspects, you can better decide how to whiten your teeth in a way that is both safe and effective, and supports the long-term health of your teeth.

Difference to power bleaching

In Switzerland, in-office bleaching from ALPINE WHITE is a gentle alternative to the more aggressive power bleaching methods often offered in the US. While power bleaching often uses strong chemicals such as hydrogen peroxide to quickly lead to dramatic whitening, ALPINE WHITE uses a gentle treatment that emphasises the natural whiteness of teeth without compromising dental health. This method protects the gums and enamel from irritation and hypersensitivity that can occur with stronger chemicals. ALPINE WHITE's approach aims to ensure sustainable aesthetics while keeping teeth healthy, as opposed to the quick but often damaging results achieved with typical power whitening sessions in the US.


Chemical-free whitening is more than just a cosmetic treatment; it's an investment in your oral health and overall well-being. At ALPINE WHITE, we are committed to not only providing you with a radiant smile, but also to ensuring the safety and health of your teeth. Choose a responsible and sustainable method to improve the whiteness of your teeth and experience how easy and enjoyable teeth whitening can be.

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