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Demographic differences in teeth bleaching usage

Teeth bleaching has gained popularity worldwide in recent years, but usage is not evenly distributed across all countries and regions. In this blog, we explore the demographic differences in the use of teeth whitening products and treatments, with a particular focus on age groups, gender, socio-economic factors, and geographical differences.

Andrea Seraina Author
Andrea Seraina
Dental Content Specialist
16.08.20245 min. reading time
Teeth bleaching, demographic differences, teeth bleaching usage, age groups and teeth bleaching, gender and teeth bleaching, socio-economic factors, geographical differences, teeth whitening products, ALPINE WHITE teeth bleaching, affordable teeth whitening

Age groups: Young adults lead the way

The use of teeth bleaching is heavily dependent on age, with young adults aged 18 to 34 being the primary user group. According to a 2022 study by Mintel, about 48% of respondents in this age group reported using teeth bleaching products or treatments, the highest rate among all age groups.

The high usage in this age group is due to several factors. Young adults are often in a phase of life where physical appearance is particularly important, whether for social, professional, or romantic purposes. The pursuit of a perfect smile, which is propagated as a beauty ideal on social media, plays a crucial role here. In addition, many people in this age group are financially independent and willing to invest in cosmetic products and treatments.

Older age groups use teeth bleaching less often. Among 35- to 54-year-olds, the usage rate is around 32%, while it drops to about 20% among those over 55. Factors such as tooth sensitivity or less interest in cosmetic treatments may play a role here.

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CHF 345

Gently achieve whiter teeth with our pain-free in-office bleaching. Carried out by our specialised dental staff.

  • Naturally white teeth
  • Effective tooth whitening without peroxides
  • No change in the tooth structure
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Gender: Women dominate the market

Another important demographic factor in the use of teeth bleaching is gender. Women use teeth whitening products significantly more frequently than men. A 2023 survey by Statista shows that 60% of women who use cosmetic dental products also use teeth bleaching products, compared to 40% of men.

This imbalance can be attributed to various cultural and social influences. Women tend to place more value on their physical appearance and are more often willing to invest in cosmetic treatments. In addition, the pressure to conform to a certain beauty ideal is often higher for women, further driving the demand for products like teeth bleaching.

Men, on the other hand, have also increasingly embraced cosmetic dentistry in recent years, albeit to a lesser extent. The growing acceptance of male cosmetics and the increasing marketing of teeth whitening products specifically for men could, however, lead to a reduction in this imbalance in the future.

Socio-economic factors: Who can afford it?

Socio-economic factors play a significant role in the use of teeth bleaching. Studies have shown that teeth bleaching is more commonly used by individuals with higher income and higher educational levels. An analysis by Euromonitor International from 2022 found that 65% of teeth bleaching users are in the upper income brackets.

The reason is simple: tooth whitening is often associated with significant costs, especially when performed professionally in a dental practice. Individuals with higher incomes not only have the financial means to regularly undergo such treatments, but they also often place greater value on their appearance, making the investment in cosmetic treatments more attractive.

Interestingly, the data also shows that in countries with better public healthcare systems and stronger social structures, such as in parts of Europe, the use of tooth bleaching is more widespread across all income levels. This might suggest that the availability of affordable products and treatments also plays a role for less affluent groups.

At ALPINE WHITE, it is possible to have a professional bleaching done for as little as 345 CHF. In addition, we offer inexpensive bleaching products that allow a wide audience to achieve a radiant smile without straining their budget. Our products are designed to deliver effective results while remaining affordable for everyone. This makes it easier for those who may not belong to the highest income levels to access high-quality tooth whitening solutions.

Geographical Differences: Comparing Countries and Regions

Geographical differences play a significant role in the use of tooth bleaching. While the trend towards tooth whitening is observable worldwide, there are considerable differences between individual countries and regions.

In the USA and Europe, tooth bleaching is widespread and used by a broad spectrum of the population. For instance, in the USA, according to a 2022 study by Statista, about 40% of adults have tried some form of tooth whitening. This is due to the strong cultural emphasis on a white smile and the high availability of products and services.

In Europe, the use of tooth bleaching varies greatly between countries. While in Western Europe, especially in Great Britain and Germany, tooth whitening is widespread, the use in Southern Europe is somewhat lower. In Scandinavia, however, the use of tooth bleaching products is also high, which is attributed to the generally high importance placed on health and aesthetics in these countries.

Closing Remarks

Tooth bleaching is a global trend, significantly influenced by demographic and geographical factors. Young adults and women are the main user groups, while socioeconomic factors and regional differences play an important role in the dissemination of tooth whitening products. Companies in the tooth whitening industry can benefit from these insights by tailoring their products and marketing strategies to the specific needs and preferences of the various demographic groups and regions.

In the future, the demographic landscape could diversify further, especially through the growing influence of social media and the increasing availability of affordable and gentle tooth whitening products. These developments could lead to tooth bleaching becoming an even more widely accepted and used procedure.

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